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$75 for the premium plan

Check out the quiz below to get more of a feel for what you can do with Premium Poker Tools.

1) How many folds will you get on a K84 rainbow board if you cbet and only get called by pairs and better?

2) What if we change the board to KJ2shh and add in flush draws and straight draws?

3) Assume we get called on the flop in the previous question, and that the turn is a 4h, completing the flush draws. How many folds will you get if they only continue with top pair and better?

4) Can you ever get away from KK preflop?

5) What hands can you call a shove with when a short stack shoves for 20bb over your 2bb open, and is shoving A7+ and 44+?

6) What hands can you 3bet with for value if they open a 20% range and call your 3bet 75% of the time?

7) Can you 3bet bluff if they call your 3bet 60% of the time, and then continue vs cbets 40% of the time?

8) How often does a full pot bluff need to work on the turn when you have a flush draw and expect to get paid off on the river?

How else can you use Premium Poker Tools to study?

Check out some of the demo videos in the playlist below:

Where can you go if you want to learn more?

Check out the FAQ page, the help page, and the YouTube channel.

Also, never hesitate to get in touch!